Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services to help businesses improve their operations. As the demand for cloud computing grows, Microsoft Azure has become a popular choice for many companies. If you want to become a certified Microsoft Azure professional, you need to pass the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Fundamentals Exam.

In this article, we’ll explore how to pass the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Fundamentals Exam in just eight hours. The author of this article took advantage of the free Azure training offered by Microsoft and passed the exam in just eight hours.
Why take the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Fundamentals Exam?
The author of this article stumbled upon a post on Slickdeals that advertised a free Azure training sponsored by Microsoft. Anyone who completed the training would receive a free exam voucher. The author decided to take advantage of the opportunity since he had no previous experience with Azure.
The free training was straightforward and easy to understand. The live training session allowed the author to ask questions directly to the trainer. After completing the training, the author received a voucher that allowed him to take the exam for free.
What was the exam experience like?
The author scheduled the exam immediately after receiving the voucher. He got 44 questions during the exam, which he found to be quite simple. He passed with a score of 760, and the passing mark was 700. The online proctored exam was straightforward and easy to take. The only challenge was dealing with the camera, which made the author feel a bit uncomfortable.
How to prepare for the exam?
The author prepared for the exam in just eight hours by going through the Azure training material offered by Microsoft. He found the material to be excellent and highly informative. He recommends that anyone who wants to pass the exam should go through the training material thoroughly.
Here are the steps you can follow to prepare for the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Fundamentals Exam:
Step 1: Register for the exam on Pearson View.
Step 2: Look at the exam outline to understand what the exam will cover.
Step 3: Go through the Azure training material offered by Microsoft.
Step 4: Take the exam and pass it!
Passing the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Fundamentals Exam is an excellent way to start your journey to becoming a certified Azure professional. By following the simple steps shared in this article, you can pass the exam in just eight hours. The author of this article recommends that you take advantage of the free Azure training offered by Microsoft to prepare for the exam thoroughly. Good luck!